Meteorites Classification

The official classification of meteorites in The Meteoritical Bulletin,  must be done through the procedures established by the Nomenclature Committee of The Meteoritical Society. According to this, the procedures entail the donation of samples (type specimen), the payment of the analyses that are necessary to carry out, and carry out these analyses.

The procedure requires performing different analyses, and these entail laboratory fees that need to be paid.

The Meteoritical Society says;  The minimum mass of a type specimen should be 20% of the total mass or 20 g, whichever is the lesser amount. For newly paired meteorites from dense collection areas, the minimum required mass shall be whatever is needed to bring the aggregate mass of existing type specimens (if any) to 20% of the aggregate mass of the entire pairing group or 20 g, whichever is less. Larger type specimens are recommended (...) for meteorites larger than 100 g:

Mass (to classify)         Recommended type specimen.

1 gr - 300 gr                    at least 20 % of total mass

301 to 500 gr                  at least 50 gr

501 to 1000 gr                at least 65 gr

1001 to 5000 gr              at least 100 gr

5001 to 10 kg.                 at least 250 gr

More than 10 kg             at least 500 gr



However, these larger type specimens requirements are mandatory for meteorites declared to be in Special Pairing Groups (§4.2c), and apply collectively to all new (previously unapproved) meteorites declared to be in such a group.

PRICE;  ask by mail

Contact us for receive the form sheet of data for your submission. You can incorporate as many photographs, documents, handwritten letters or relevant information as you have. Consider that the more information is provided, the faster the process will be given.

Ask for more information you need; 


There is something extremely important.  Only real meteorites can be submitted to the Meteoritical Bulletin. Laboratory will make several analysis and later, a scientist committee will review all analysis that we will make.  If your rock is a real meteorite, Committee can approval their publication.  If the rock is not a meteorite, it never will be approved and published.

I specify this clearly because some people who have sent samples believe that by having paid for the analysis and the process, that gives them the obligatory right to publication, and this is not the case. The process consists of many phases, analytics and reviews. The payment made covers the entire process, with the final publication being an event that may or may not happen, depending on the results of the analysis.


How long to see your meteorite officially published?

The Meteoritical Bulletin.

The Meteoritical Bulletin is the official place where meteorites are recorded ( It is the maximum guarantee of authenticity, therefore, all the meteorites that are going to be registered will go through a technical process. Once the type specimen is duly deposited, and the analyzes correctly carried out, a Nomenclature Committee will examine the information and vote in favor (or not) of the official publication. It is very important that as much information as possible is collected about the meteorite, to solidly support the request for publication. But it is not known how long this process will take. Sometimes it is done in a few weeks, and sometimes it can take years. It will depend on the review time the Nomenclature Committee needs.



And now how to proceed?

Once the information is known, you must extract the type specimen sample, protect it adequately, and send it, together with the data sheet, to our laboratory (request the sheet and the address).

After sending the samples, you must make the payment of the process, via PayPal.

From this moment, start the process of analysis and classification of your samples. Please be very patient, we now depend on the laboratory and the Nomenclature Committee.

 As soon as we have any information about the process, we will let you know. We will always be in contact with you. 

SPECIAL OFFER for Ordinary Chondrites Classification

Quickly and cheaper.

In our interest to offer an optimal and adequate service, both for our clients and for international science, our laboratory offers an official classification service in The Meteoritical Bulletin, of ORDINARY chondrites, fast and more economical, to be considered.  For that, only the type specimen + sample for analysis will be required, as well as the payment of classification, which will be cheaper than other types classification (ask for price). 

This service is exclusive for authentic ordinary chondrites. It does not replace other laboratory services. It is not a service to identify suspected meteorites, for that, please, click here



Our Classified Meteorites

Here we share some of the meteorites classified from samples arrived to our laboratory. 


En busca de la Geología fortuita del Universo.

En Enero de 2024 salió a la venta mi nuevo libro, con el que espero que todos disfruten, y mucho. Una interesante reflexión sobre los tipos de meteoritos, haciendo un recorrido por sucesos y momentos cruciales en la historia de la meteorítica. Chladny, Plinio, la extinción de los dinosaurios, los buscadores del Sahara, coches y personas colisionados por meteoritos, Chelyabinsk, Meteoritos en los juzgados, y buscadores en la cárcel. Meteoritos vistos por la Inteligencia artificial. Los más grandes, y los más valiosos... Creo que nadie debería dejar de leer este libro en el que analizaremos todas estas cuestiones, y mucho más... Quizás después también tú quieras convertirte en un CAZADOR DE METEORITOS.


Contact us for more information.


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