The quick analysis of suspected meteorites.

For decades, research has been carried out to find new methods of analysis and classification of meteorites that are fast, non-destructive and efficient, both for their identification and for their official use in classification.

Researchers from all over the world have worked to find a valid tool adapted to them, and thanks to this effort, today we have MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY.

What is MS?

Magnetic Susceptibility (MS) analyses the amount of metallic phase and magnetic phases (such as magnetite or maghemite) in rocks by generating an induced magnetic field, and analyses the reaction of the rocks to this field. In this way, it recovers data and allows us to have the value in LogX units normalized to mass, and the electrical conductivity index (C-index).
With this data, we can plot the rock and know if it is a meteorite (and what possible types), or if it is a material of terrestrial origin.


The MS method has been approved by the Committee of The Meteoritical Society for the official classification of ordinary chondrites, and for corroborating the analytical data on the other types of meteorites. In this way, we have fast and effective analyses in the work of identifying meteorites.

MS is a non-destructive technique (preserving the integrity of the sample), very fast (the analysis can be delivered to the client in less than 48 hours) and allows us to carry out the official classification in The Meteoritical Bulletin of ordinary chondrites at a lower price than usual.

También permite caracterizar más en profundidad los ejemplares de las colecciones, establecer paridad entre distintas piezas e identificar piezas dudosas. 

Contact us for more information.

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