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Dar al Gani 1071 is a brecciated ordinary chondrite, found in the Libyan desert of Al Jufrah, in 2014, and purchased on November 1 of the same year from a collector. It is a unique stone of 85 grams (TKW), whose classification has been carried out through petrography and magnetic susceptibility techniques. It is a meteorite of the ordinary chondrite type, brecciated, LL5 S2 W2.

Ain Ben Tili 003 is an ordinary chondrite found in the Maurita-nian Sahara desert that arrived at our laboratory on February 5, 2022. It is a unique stone of 189 grams (TKW), whose classification has been carried out through petrography and magnetic susceptibility techniques. It is an ordinary chondrite type meteorite, H6 S2 W2. Magnetic susceptibility measurements carried out with the “Met Met” instrument developed by Uehara et al 2023, support the classification.

In September 2022, I came across a rock sample found on Mali, Bir Ounane region. The fragment was a brown rock, with lack of fusion crust. Everything seemed to indicate that it was an unusual type of lunar rock, so the process of analysis and the official classification began. The petrographic and geochemical data obtained both in our laboratory and in the Cascadia Meteorites Laboratory, University of Portland (USA) concluded with the official classification of the meteorite BIR OUNANE 005, a lunar breccia originating from the lunar soil that contains up to 13 different types of lithic and minerals clasts, and also were observed orange and white spherules.

Wad Awzireft 001 (WAw 001) is an ordinary chondrite found in the Western Sahara desert, in the Rio de Oro region, which was acquired for our collection on April 9, 2014 in Laayoune. It consists of three specimens, with a total mass of 92 grams (TKW), whose classification has been carried out through petrography and magnetic susceptibility techniques. It is an ordinary chondrite type meteorite, L5 S1 W4..

There are more than 71,000 officially classified meteorites in The Meteoritical Bulletin database. Unfortunately, many of them lack a detailed description of their petrographic characteristics, which means that they cannot be used in the study that I carry out. However, there are many of them, generally those classified in recent years, having the modal description of their mineral components. It has been observed that in all of them there are some common minerals, and they are iron sulphides called troilite and pyrrhotite. 

The Kharabali meteorite was known to the inhabitants of the Kharabalinsky district, Astrakhan region, in the Russian steppe, but they were unaware of its true nature. On June 19, 2013, the official classification of the meteorite was approved, after identifying its type as an ordinary chondrite H5 S1 W3. No description of its petrographic characteristics appears in the official database of The Meteoritical Bulletin, for this reason I have prepared some thin sections of specimens we keep in our laboratory, and we document these characteristics in this report.

El 10 de julio de 2021 se produce la presunta caída de un meteorito en la zona oriental de Cuba. Las noticias vuelan por las redes, pero no hay rastros de muestras para poder estudiarlas. Con la aparición de una roca de 2.76 kilos, una muestra desprendida de 7.6 gramos ha llegado a mis manos y procedo al estudio petrológico de la misma para la identificación de la tipología de meteorito. De esta manera, se confirma que es una condrita ordinaria L6, S2, W0-1.

In June 2021, I came across a rock sample found on the Algerian-Libyan border. The fragment was a gray rock, which had a small part of eroded fusion crust. Everything seemed to indicate that it was a lunar rock, so the process of analysis and the official classification began.

During the first quarter of 2020, a series of small grayish brown eroded rocks were excavated at Chwichiya region, next to Al Haggounia, in Western Sahara, corresponding to Eucrite-type meteorites. The batch weighing 602 grams was acquired for research at the LPMCM, and after carrying out petrographic and geochemistry analysis it is determined that they correspond to eucrites in HED meteorites group.

We present in this report the study process and the analytical results obtained in the petrographic and geochemical characterization of the NWA 11397 meteorite, found by the MCM technical team in Sahara in August 2015.

On August 20, 2015, two basaltic meteorites found in Western Sahara arrive at the MCM petrographic laboratory. After the preliminary study they were identified as monomictic eucrites.

In 2006, an extensive strewn field of meteorites, partially buried, was found in Al Haggounia (Western Sahara), about 40 square kilometers long. Several tons of the meteorite were unearthed.  I have petrographically studied thin sections of Al Haggounia 001 and NWA 4420 and document chondrules in said clan.


Proponemos en este informe un estudio del estado de conservación del Meteorito BACUBIRITO, y las más adecuadas recomendaciones científicas a aplicar para su conservación e investigación.

In the present work I will develop the aspects studied in the MEDERDRA meteorite, which having been found in the summer of 2019 in Mauritania, it is the fourth meteorite from which I carry out its international classification. In this specimen I analyze the geochemical and petrographic characteristics of a chondrite considered to be of great rarity, and which belongs to the select group of Rumurutites (or Rumuruti). 

Presentation of NWA 15158, LL3 ordinary chondrite classification.

En este artículo expongo los resultados revelados por el análisis petrográfico de secciones delgadas de la winonaita Errachidia 004, que tuve ocasión de analizar en el laboratorio.

Las rocas del espacio atraen, de una forma casi sobrenatural, y quienes nos dedicamos a su estudio, bien conocemos esta cualidad de las mismas. Esta mañana entré en mi estudio, sobre la mesa un ordenador, un microscopio, el bloc de notas de laboratorio, numerosos informes y fotografías, y una caja con un centenar de secciones delgadas. En este artículo nos adentramos en el corazón mismo de los meteoritos, aquellos secretos que nos descubren a través de la petrografía de luz polarizada.

Iron meteorites make up just over 6% of classified meteorites. They are interesting and rare specimens, however they have proven easy to find based on their particularities. Their majority composition of iron makes them easily detectable with metal detectors and magnets. In this paper we explain the discovery and classification of Elemay 001, the fourth known III AB anomalous type meteorite, classified 54 years after the last of this type. This fact motivates writing this work with which to know the secrets of Elemay 001.

La comunidad científica internacional tenía puesta su mirada en otro propósito, ya que aquellos viajes tripulados al satélite de la tierra traerían consigo un legado que marcaría un hito en la historia de la humanidad. En este artículo hacemos una exposición por las características petrográficas de algunas brechas feldespáticas lunares que tuve ocasión de analizar en el laboratorio.


En busca de la Geología fortuita del Universo.

En Enero de 2024 salió a la venta mi nuevo libro, con el que espero que todos disfruten, y mucho. Una interesante reflexión sobre los tipos de meteoritos, haciendo un recorrido por sucesos y momentos cruciales en la historia de la meteorítica. Chladny, Plinio, la extinción de los dinosaurios, los buscadores del Sahara, coches y personas colisionados por meteoritos, Chelyabinsk, Meteoritos en los juzgados, y buscadores en la cárcel. Meteoritos vistos por la Inteligencia artificial. Los más grandes, y los más valiosos... Creo que nadie debería dejar de leer este libro en el que analizaremos todas estas cuestiones, y mucho más... Quizás después también tú quieras convertirte en un CAZADOR DE METEORITOS.


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