En Enero de 2024 salió a la venta mi nuevo libro, con el que espero que todos disfruten, y mucho. Una interesante reflexión sobre los tipos de meteoritos, haciendo un recorrido por sucesos y momentos cruciales en la historia de la meteorítica. Chladny, Plinio, la extinción de los dinosaurios, los buscadores del Sahara, coches y personas colisionados por meteoritos, Chelyabinsk, Meteoritos en los juzgados, y buscadores en la cárcel. Meteoritos vistos por la Inteligencia artificial. Los más grandes, y los más valiosos... Creo que nadie debería dejar de leer este libro en el que analizaremos todas estas cuestiones, y mucho más... Quizás después también tú quieras convertirte en un CAZADOR DE METEORITOS.
A repository is a place where samples and information of legitimate, scientific, cultural, technological or ethnographic interest are stored and preserved, with the purpose of keeping them in perfect condition and safe so that they can serve as a basis for documentation and research in the future.
Our repository preserves its own samples and those of others. Not just from thin sections, but fragments of meteorites and other geological samples.
This material is always available (prior approval of the Curator, with justified request) for scientific research by non-destructive procedures.
Contact us if you need information; meteoritoscanarias@gmail.com
We're pleasured to share pictures of a small part (actually we have more than 900) of our thin sections repository in high resolution, for consulting. All these pictures are protected by copyright, so, please, don't forget to mention the source and credits if you use it. In our laboratory, we prepare thin sections for collectors, and polished thin sections for scientific research. meteoritoscanarias@gmail.com
This sample is a Lunar meteorite showing spherules from the lunar soil. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
BIR OUNANE 005. TS 400.
This sample is a Lunar meteorite showing spherules from the lunar soil. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
BIR OUNANE 005. TS 405.
Enstatite EL3-6 melt rock. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 267.
Enstatite EL3-6 melt rock. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 268.
Enstatite EL3-6 melt rock. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 269.
Enstatite EL3-6 melt rock. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 270.
Enstatite EL3-6 imb. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 271.
Enstatite EL3-6 imb. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 273.
Enstatite EL3-6 imb. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 274.
Enstatite EL3-6 imb. In this section we can recognize some relict chondrules. Credit: José García / ADARA Laboratory.
NWA 4420. TS 275.
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