
Legal Notice

Welcome to the "Geo Colección" website.

We are now in transit to be an LLC company in USA.

The user will access the website and use its content in accordance with the laws in force at all times and the rules established in these terms of use, and any action to the detriment of this website or third parties is prohibited.
The user of this website accepts these conditions and terms of use, which are binding, and it is understood that the simple use of these pages implies the aforementioned acceptance in full and without any reservations.
The sole purpose of this website is to provide geological samples for collection and research. It is not responsible for the name of any of its administrators, nor is it interested in mediating for any of them in any conflict.

Terms of use

GeoColección reserves the right to modify the conditions or terms of use of the website, without prior notice.

The use of this website is governed by Spanish law and by these general conditions. Any dispute arising from the interpretation, execution and/or use of this Website shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Las Palmas.
It is prohibited to use the Website for any action contrary to current legislation and especially, but not limited to, the following:

- Sending unsolicited mass mail or “spamming”.
- Any form of violation of the rights of third parties.
- Any activity that has pornographic, obscene, defamatory or otherwise illegal content as its object.
- Introducing computer viruses, defective files or programs that may cause any damage or harm to the Website or to third parties.

- Using this Website in an inappropriate manner in accordance with its own purpose.

The user of the Website must refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any protection device or security systems that may be installed on it in order to prevent unauthorized copies.


GeoColección is not responsible for any possible error or omission in the pages hosted on this site.
GeoColección is not responsible in any case for any damage that may be caused to a third party by users of the Web as a result of illegal or inappropriate use of the same, or as a result of the content and information accessible or provided through it, or the sites linked to it. Those responsible will be the users or third parties causing the damage.
Any references made on the Web to any product, service, process, link, hypertext or any other information, using the brand, trade name, or name of the manufacturer or supplier, which are owned by third parties, do not constitute or imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by GeoColección.
GeoColección does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Web and the services, and therefore will not be responsible for any damages that may be caused as a result of the lack of availability and/or continuity. Likewise, GeoColección does not guarantee the absence of viruses in the services and content of the Web, whether provided directly or by third parties, including connections through "links", and therefore will not be liable for any damages that may be caused as a result of the existence of such viruses.

Intellectual Property

All the content of this website, whether text, photographs, images, drawings, audio, video, software, logos or design, is protected by Intellectual and Industrial Property regulations and in particular by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, approving the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law, and Law 19/2006, of June 5, which extends the means of protection of intellectual and industrial property rights and establishes procedural rules to facilitate the application of various community regulations.
GeoColección is the owner of the intellectual property rights over the content hosted on the Website, except for what, where applicable, may be specifically provided for in the contracts or regulations that may be applicable. Access to this material shall in no way imply a license for its reproduction and/or distribution, which, in any case, shall be prohibited unless prior and express consent is given by GeoColección. The user agrees to use this Portal exclusively for personal use.

Data Protection

GeoColección does not store anyone's data, and therefore does not have databases of such data, third party contacts or personal data. The data provided by the visitor responds exclusively to the processing of orders placed and the resolution of queries, and is subsequently destroyed. There are no databases where any data is stored.


© GeoColeccion. Todos los derechos reservados. Web de divulgación científica.

Necesitamos su consentimiento para cargar las traducciones

Utilizamos un servicio de terceros para traducir el contenido del sitio web que puede recopilar datos sobre su actividad. Por favor revise los detalles en la política de privacidad y acepte el servicio para ver las traducciones.