Visit our Laboratory page

Analysis, Curation, Classification of Astromaterials.

If you think you found a meteorite, don't hesitate to contact our laboratory. We can help you to analyze and classify your meteorites in the Meteoritical Bulletin. 


Visit the lab page;  CLICK HERE.

Cargando el contenido de su tienda ...

Buy only certified Meteorites.

Because it is the most important, ensure your collection buying always only certified meteorites.  In GEOCOLECCION we are members of The Meteoritical Society and the Meteorite Education and Trade Society, two of the most important warranties.  

The best way to get the Space in your hand is GEOCOLECCION.

Seguimiento de tu envío. 

Tracking your package.

Su envío ha sido enviado, le habrá llegado un e-mail con el número de seguimiento tras haber realizado su pago. Con él, podrá saber en todo momento el estado de su pedido.  Puede hacer el seguimiento a través de;

Your shipment has been sent, you will have received an e-mail  with the tracking number after having made your payment. With it, you can always know the status of your order. You can track through;


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